Biophilic design: bringing nature inside

Biophilic design: bringing nature inside

July 7, 2024

In the modern world, where we spend most of our time in closed buildings,
There is a growing understanding of the importance of connecting with nature even inside the home.
The lack of direct contact with nature negatively affects our general well-being and our physical and mental health.
Biophilic design, a concept that describes the connection of nature and the natural environment with the interior spaces,
has become a popular trend in interior design. This design allows us to bring nature inside,
and obtain the significant benefits that result from the direct connection with the natural environment.

In this article we will explore the principles of biophilic design and delve into its significant benefits for our well-being and health. In addition, we will offer practical ways to apply these principles in our internal spaces,
To ensure that we get the most from the connection to nature.

What is biophilic design?

Biophilic design aims to bring nature into the building in diverse ways.
The term “biophilia” means the love of life or nature,
And biophilic design focuses on combining natural elements in the interior structure,
In order to improve the general feeling of the space and increase the feeling of calmness and peace.
These elements include the use of plants, water, natural materials,
Natural lighting and the creation of open spaces that connect to the outside environment.

In addition to using plants and natural materials, biophilic design also includes the combination of colors,
Textures and sounds from nature. For example, earth-colored walls, natural stone flooring and a combination of natural scents such as essential oils. The main goal is to improve the quality of life inside the building,
By creating an environment that gives a sense of peace, calm and connection to nature.

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The benefits of the biophilic design

The benefits of biophilic design are many and varied. First, it was found that exposure to nature indoors improves our mental and physical health. Studies show that people surrounded by natural elements experience less stress,
Increase concentration and improve their general mood. Being in a natural environment increases the feeling of calmness and helps reduce stress and anxiety levels.

In addition, connecting to nature indoors can improve indoor air quality,
Using plants that filter out toxins and reduce carbon dioxide levels. Plants such as sansivaria, ficus and ferns can help clean the air of toxic substances emitted from chemical substances in the building.
In addition, biophilic design helps create a more pleasant and comfortable environment for staying,
Which has a positive effect on the quality of sleep and our general well-being.

The principles of the connection between the outside and the inside of the house

  1. Use of natural plants : adding plants to the interior spaces improves the overall appearance and gives a sense of life and freshness. You can combine plants in different pots, green walls, terrariums and water plants. Plants add both an aesthetic touch and help improve air quality, which contributes to the general health and mental well-being of the residents.
  2. Natural materials : the use of materials such as wood, stone and natural textiles connects the indoor environment to the outside and transmits warmth and naturalness. You can combine wood in furniture, floors and walls, use natural stone in various surfaces such as in the kitchen and bathroom, and prefer textiles such as cotton, linen and wool in upholstery and carpets. These materials not only improve the overall appearance, but also give a feeling of calmness and pleasantness.
  3. Natural lighting : maximum utilization of sunlight with the help of large windows, openings and transparency of materials. Natural lighting is very important for our biological balance, it helps maintain the sleep cycle and has a positive effect on mood. You can enlarge existing openings, use transparent glass instead of heavy curtains, and prefer strategic positions of furniture to allow sunlight to penetrate the interior spaces in the best way.
  4. Designing open spaces : creating spaces that connect directly to yards, balconies and gardens, encourages a sense of space and connection to the outside environment. Open spaces allow natural light and fresh air to penetrate inside, improving the feeling of connection to nature. You can plan balconies and yards that will be accessible and convenient to use, use wide glass doors and create a smooth transition between the inside and the outside.

In conclusion, biophilic design gives us the opportunity to improve the quality of life by connecting to nature within the interior spaces. Its principles and advantages contribute not only to the aesthetic design of the house,
but also for our mental and physical well-being. If you are looking for ways to bring nature into your home and improve the environment you live in, biophilic design is the right way to do it.
Investing in natural materials, natural lighting and plants is an investment in your well-being and the well-being of your household members,
And it can bring about a significant positive change in the quality of daily life.

If you are interested in improving the quality of life in your home and creating an environment that connects you to nature, contact Studio Conceptdue today. Our designers, Shlomit Cohen and Michal Dejo, will be happy to help you make your vision a reality.

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